Friday, June 29, 2007


How We Learn to Love
LoveIs Indispensable
In this series:
Love Is Indispensable
How to Develop Genuine Love
The Noblest Kind of Love
Related topics:
Spend Time With Your Family!
What Has Happened to Love?
Common Sense—Why So Uncommon?
It is a challenge to cultivate love in a world governed by greed

REGARDLESS of age, culture, language, or race, all humans have a hunger for love. If that hunger is not satisfied, they are not happy. A medical researcher wrote: "Love and intimacy are at a root of what makes us sick and what makes us well, what causes sadness and what brings happiness, what makes us suffer and what leads to healing. If a new drug had the same impact, virtually every doctor in the country would be recommending it for their patients. It would be malpractice not to prescribe it."
Yet, modern society, especially its media and popular role models, often places more emphasis on wealth, power, fame, and sex than on the human need for warm, loving relationships. Many educators stress secular goals and careers, defining success primarily in those terms. True, education and the cultivation of one's talents are important, but should they be pursued so single-mindedly that one has no time for family and friends? An educated ancient writer who was an astute observer of human nature likened a gifted but loveless individual to "a sounding piece of brass or a clashing cymbal." (1 Corinthians 13:1) Such people may become wealthy, even famous, but never truly happy.
Jesus Christ, who had a profound understanding of and a special fondness for humans, put love for God and neighbor at the very heart of his teaching. He said: "You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind. . . . You must love your neighbor as yourself." (Matthew 22:37-39) Only those who followed these words would truly be Jesus' followers. Hence, he said: "By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves."—John 13:35.
How, though, does one cultivate love in today's world? And how can parents teach love to their children? The following article will address these questions.


Obasanjo feigns ignorance of labour strike

LAGOS — FORMER President, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, returned, yesterday, to the country from vacation, and said President Umaru Yar’Adua, as leader of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP), reserved the right to decide who to work with and how to run his government.
Chief Obasanjo also feigned ignorance about last week’s strike that grounded the nation for four days.

Meanwhile, there was clarification yesterday on the retention of Chief Anthony Anenih as the Chairman, Board of Trustees (BOT) of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP). Vanguard exclusively gathered that the issue of the chairmanship of the BOT was never discussed at Monday’s meeting. Indeed, sources said the issue would be discussed at the party’s national convention later in the year.

Anenih remains PDP BOT chairman till convention

Vanguard was informed that at Monday’s National Executive Council (NEC) meeting in Abuja, the issue of the chairmanship of the BOT was never discussed.

Vanguard also gathered from a highly dependable sources within the PDP BOT that the main agenda for Monday’s meeting was the “ratification of the new membership of the BOT.”
It was suggested that since the likes of Abubakar Rimi, Second Republic governor of Kano State, and Chief Audu Ogbeh, former national chairman of the party, dumped it for another political group, “what the BOT did on Monday was simply to replace such members as Rimi and Ogbeh who left for another political party.

“At no time did the meeting on Monday discuss the issue of BOT chairmanship. The matter was never discussed. And if the matter was never discussed, the issue of the party dumping former President Obasanjo does not in any way come up.

“The BOT, for your information, would be meeting very soon on other matters. But for now, there is no issue at all, especially in view of the newspaper reports.”

Obasanjo back from Jamaica

The former president, who arrived the Presidential Wing of the Murtala Muhammed Airport, Lagos, from Kingston, Jamaica, reacting to a question on his view on President Yar’Adua’s invitation to members of the opposition parties to run a unity government, said: “He (Yar’Adua) is the leader of the party.”

Pressed further, he said: “I have just come back. Don’t stop what I have just brought back. I brought back relaxation, recreation and recuperation.”

Obasanjo said he was ignorant of the strike called by the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and Trade Union Congress (TUC) to protest the increase of the pump price of petroleum products and Value Added Tax (VAT).

“I am as ignorant as an ignorant person. I just travelled out to rest and, therefore, I shut myself out of the outside world,” said the former president, who arrived the country in company of three of his daughters and his personal physician, Prof. Femi Bella.

Dressed in a grey kaftan, black cap and a pair of black leather footwear, Chief Obasanjo arrived the Lagos Airport at about 10:30am aboard a chartered Bombadier Challenger 300 executive jet operated by Dantata Charter Air Service.

Chief Obasanjo waited in the lounge for some 30 minutes for his passport and those of others in his entourage to be stamped at the Immigration post at the International Wing of the airport.
The former president left the airport for hisOta Farm, Ogun State, in a convoy of seven cars at about 11:00 a.m.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Do you think he should resign if the courts say so?

Friday, June 22, 2007


The out of power governor of sorry ex-governor of Anambra state now has to have vision 2010 since his godfather Ubasanjo cannot intervain again for his son Andy.


There are reports that the strike is affecting everybody including obasanjo who increased the fuel price in the first place. He was seen in a filling station somewhere in Lagos waiting for fuel for almost 4 hrs.

Obasanjo welcome to the world of suffering!!!

Saturday, June 16, 2007


They have released the man at last.